Now you can instantly generate a true human voice from any text in 5 seconds!

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  • No Credit Card Required
  • Free Bonus on Sign Up
Reasons to choose us

Our Text to Speech is

We guarantee you that 95% of people will not be able to tell you that our natural-sounding voice-overs are AI generated.

With our latest artificial intelligent text-to-speech (TTS) technology, you will get 99% human sounding quality voice instantly.

Our online website is super easy to use, just copy your text, choose a voice and click the Generate button. Our text to speech converter will instantly generate the mp3 voice, ready to play or download.

Generate these human-sounding voices will never be easier with our AI TTS Generator

Sample voices from our AI Text to Speech Converter

John - male voice - United States

Jennifer - female voice - United States

David - male voice - United Kingdom

Sophia - female voice - United Kingdom


per 1 USD

Our price is as low as only 1 USD per 7000 characters.

Get started for free, no CC required.

Simple and fair pricing for all

Pay as you go

You only pay when you use, our pricing is super simple: you will pay 1 coin per 20 characters (as low as only 1 USD per 7000 characters).

Beware our competitors will charge you every month with a subscribe pricing model (you will pay even you do not use). When you stay with us, you only pay when you use (we are so simple and fair).

No credit card is required

Register an account is free, we do not ask for your credit card. You will receive free bonus coins after first login so you can generate many human-sounding voices instantly without a single payment.

Only after you are completely happy with our services, you will purchase more coins to continue generating more voiceovers.

Instantly generate voiceover

Just copy your words, choose a voice option and click the Generate button. Both male and female voices are supported.

24/7 support

Our support team are always available to help you, just contact us and we will answer all your emails in less than one hour.

Unlock the latest artificial intelligent technology today!

The only solution with coolest features

Transform any text into speech

Our AI engine will understand your text, and generate the true human voice for you. You can test the voiceover many times after free registration.

Support both male and female voices

Because we support both male and female voice, you can generate speech that match your business requirements.

Both United States and United Kingdom

You can target your customers with voice from United States or United Kingdom to archive your business goals.

Standard .mp3 format

Our online text to speech generator will create the voice in .mp3 format, this standard format is compatible with all video creation softwares on the market today.

Super easy to use

Our user interface is designed to be simple and easy to understand, we make sure even a kid can use our services.

100% customer satisfaction

Our team is proud of our expertise and technology, so we guarantee a 100% customer satisfaction. We serve thousands of customers daily, allow us to serve you too!

% ROI (Return On Investment)

A good voice will create more sales!

Did you know that a good video needs a good voice? A good voice will help you get more viewers, subscribers, traffics, leads, converts and more sales. So a good voice maybe your best investment, which will create the highest ROI for your business.

Previously if you need true human quality voice, you need to hire a professional voice artist or you record your own voice. But both choices have their own problems. Hiring a professional voice artist will cost you at least 100 USD and you will need to wait for at least 2 or 3 days. If you want to record your own voice, you will need quality equipments, however not everybody has a good voice, and a quality microphone could cost you thousands of USD.

Free Registration

Don't just take our word for it

Here's what our users have to say

customer avatar

" Overall I am so glad i spent the (small amount of) money to purchase this service when I did; it has paid off far more than it cost.

Sr Project Manager
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" People think I hire a professional voice artist for my video, however actually I use Online AI Text to Speech website.

Creative designer
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" It is perfect! The voiceovers are natural and clear. Awesome tts service. Thank you, developers!!!

Mariah Soner
Head of marketing
customer avatar

" I am always happy with the quality of the voice, both male and female voices are amazing!

Business Owner
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" My friend suggest me this website, I am so happy with the voices so far. That's really impressive. Keep up!

Creative Freelancer
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" Cheap, easy, powerful enough, robust. You can trust my text 2 speech review, or sign up to see it yourself.

Mark Otto
Team Leader
customer avatar

" This text to speech service is the secret of my business success!

Video Freelancer
customer avatar

" If you are looking for a great voice over tool you have to try


Frequently Asked Questions

Didn't get your answer?
Feel free to send us an email

Send us an Email
Do I need to download any software?

No, our AI Text to Speech service is an online cloud-based solution; you just need a web browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.) on any desktop OS (Windows, macOS or Linux) or mobile phone (iPhone, Android, etc.) to generate and download voice. We also test carefully to make sure the mp3 audio file will be compatible with all applications on all desktop/mobile OS.

Absolutely NO, you just enter your username, email and click the Register button, after that please check your email for an activation email.

Our Text-to-Speech (TTS) technology leverages neural network techniques and latest artificial intelligent algorithms to deliver a human-like, engaging voice-over experience. Our text-to-speech analyzer, generator, converter and optimizer work together behind the scene on our cloud server to deliver you the top quality results. Our speech synthesis and text context recognition is result of years of researching and developing AI.

Yes, our team will add more languages, if you need some languages please just let us know by submiting the Contact Us form.

No, you never have to pay every month to keep your account. Unlike our competitors, you only pay for the numbers of characters you use for generating voice over.

You will use 1 coin for every 20 characters. Our price is as low as 1 USD per 350 coins, which is 1 USD per 7000 characters. (More than 1000 words per only 1 USD).

You can use our natural voices in training/educational videos, in sales/marketing videos, or in funny tiktok short video clips, etc. Additionally a lot of mobile apps also support embed our generated audio into videos on your phone.

Get started

Unlock the ultimate power of artificial intelligent

You just need 2 minutes to register an account, then you will instantly access to the latest AI text to speech engine. You will get true real human voiceover, more engagement with your contents, and more sales for your business.